Redefine Your Success: A Journey of Growth and Problem-Solving

Glass’O’Red in hand just pondering…

Evening, friends.
Glass’O’Red in hand, as I ponder a question that perplexes many: What is success, and how do we measure it?

Architect I.M. Pei offers a thought-provoking perspective: "Success is a collection of problems solved." This quote resonates deeply. It suggests that success isn't a fixed destination but rather a continuous journey of overcoming challenges and growing from them.

Many of us feel pressure to define ourselves by our achievements, job titles, or bank accounts. However, as the Dalai Lama reminds us, "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." Perhaps true success isn't about external validation but the internal growth and fulfillment we cultivate through life experiences.

Finding the Right Yardstick

Socrates famously said, "Know thyself."  Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, and true passions is essential for choosing meaningful metrics of success.

The Harvard Business Review article "The True Measures of Success" by Michael J. Mauboussin cautions us against using the wrong metrics. Just as a corporation shouldn't focus solely on short-term profits at the expense of long-term value, we shouldn't base our self-worth on superficial measures like social media likes or fleeting validation from others.

The article suggests a four-step process for choosing meaningful metrics:

Define your governing objective: What do you truly value in life? Is it growth, connection, creativity, or something else entirely?

Identify the activities that contribute to your objective: How can you spend your time and energy in ways that align with your values?

Track your progress: Are your actions moving you closer to your goals? This doesn't require rigid data collection but a mindful awareness of your progress over time.

Refine your approach as needed: Life is a journey, and our goals and priorities may evolve. Be willing to adapt your measurements to reflect your changing aspirations.

Embrace the Adventure

As Hunter S. Thompson famously asserted, "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, worn out, screaming WOO-HOO!" Let's embrace the messiness and uncertainty of life's journey. Success isn't about achieving perfection but about growing, learning, and positively impacting the world around us.

Ready to redefine your success?
My thoughts and blog post were inspired by the work of I.M. Pei, the Dalai Lama, and Michael J. Mauboussin.




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