It's Time for Joe Biden to Step Aside for the Sake of Democracy

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For the record: This is my opinion, a Dali Lama lov’n Hippie living the dream one day at a time, in Tahoe…

In the grand tapestry of American politics, few figures have had a career as storied and impactful as President Joe Biden. His decades of public service, culminating in his presidency, have steered the nation through turbulent times with a steady hand. Yet, as we look towards the 2024 election, it's clear that the time has come for a new generation of leaders to step forward and carry the torch of democracy. It's time for President Biden to step down and allow Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Gretchen Whitmer to lead the charge against the looming threats posed by Donald Trump and Project 2025.

A Legacy of Service and Sacrifice

President Biden's tenure has been marked by resilience and dedication. His achievements in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, passing substantial economic relief packages, and championing infrastructure renewal have left an indelible mark on the nation. We have all seen the real Joe Biden in his prime—a leader of remarkable strength and empathy. However, as time progresses, his ability to lead is becoming more fragile. While his mental acuity remains sharp, the physical demands of the presidency are visibly taking their toll, affecting his communication and stamina.

As John McCain once said, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity to act despite our fears." It's time for Biden to act courageously and make way for leaders who can galvanize the nation.

The Case for Harris and Whitmer

Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Gretchen Whitmer represent the best of what the Democratic Party has to offer. Harris, with her trailblazing career as California's Attorney General and U.S. Senator, has consistently fought for justice and equality. Her role as Vice President has only further solidified her credentials as a leader capable of uniting the nation. Governor Whitmer, with her pragmatic leadership in Michigan, has shown resilience in the face of adversity, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis and in her fight for women's rights and healthcare.

According to a recent article in The Atlantic, Harris and Whitmer have the legislative acumen and the ability to connect with a broad spectrum of voters, making them formidable candidates against the divisive rhetoric of Trump and the regressive agenda of Project 2025. Their combined strengths offer a compelling vision for America's future—one that champions inclusivity, women's rights, and racial justice.

Building on Legislative Triumphs

Harris and Whitmer's legislative records speak volumes. Harris played a pivotal role in the passage of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, addressing the surge in violence against Asian Americans. Her efforts in criminal justice reform and her advocacy for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act highlight her commitment to systemic change. Whitmer's tenure as governor has been marked by significant investments in infrastructure, education, and public health. Her successful negotiation of bipartisan budgets in a swing state underscores her ability to bridge divides and deliver results.

In a New York Times article, political analysts noted that Harris and Whitmer possess the resilience needed to lead the nation through uncertain times. Their ability to "fail forward"—to learn and grow from setbacks—demonstrates a crucial quality in leaders tasked with preserving democracy.

Supporting Our Troops and Veterans

As we have just ended the longest wars in our known history, it is imperative that we take care of our existing troops and ensure we have the ability to care for our veterans. Harris and Whitmer understand that our nation's commitment to its servicemembers does not end when they return home. We must provide them with the resources they need to thrive in civilian life.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, nearly 20 million veterans live in the United States, with many facing challenges such as unemployment, mental health issues, and homelessness. Harris has consistently supported legislation aimed at improving veterans' healthcare, education, and job opportunities. Whitmer, in Michigan, has worked on initiatives to support veterans transitioning to civilian life, including job training and placement programs.

To achieve this, we need to increase funding for veterans' healthcare, including mental health services, and ensure that veterans have access to quality education and job training programs. We must also address the bureaucratic delays that often plague the VA system, making it difficult for veterans to receive the benefits they have earned.

Embracing Diversity and Unity

America's strength lies in its diversity, and Harris and Whitmer embody this ideal. Harris, as the first female Vice President of African American and South Asian descent, brings a unique perspective that resonates with marginalized communities. Whitmer's steadfast commitment to women's rights and reproductive freedom has made her a beacon of hope for many.

But their vision goes beyond individual demographics. They understand the importance of supporting all our communities equally—Latino, Native American, African American, and yes, Anglo-Americans. Embracing this diversity, as Al Gore once remarked, means "When our hearts are open, we find that our minds are open too." Harris and Whitmer's leadership can energize every corner of our society, building a coalition strong enough to counter the divisive tactics of Trump and Project 2025.

Socrates once said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Harris and Whitmer's approach reflects this wisdom, as they aim to build a more inclusive and equitable future.

A New Approach to Border Policy

A crucial part of this unity involves addressing our border policy. Our borders are not broken, but they have been mismanaged by decades-old bureaucracy that plagues the halls of the Senate and Congress. We can create a stable and manageable border policy, but it will take both sides of the aisle, both parties, and the support of the American people.

Past successes, such as the bipartisan Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, show that comprehensive and humane solutions are possible. However, today's hyper-partisan climate has stalled meaningful progress. Harris and Whitmer have the diplomatic skill and legislative know-how to revive bipartisan cooperation, focusing on pragmatic solutions that respect human dignity and national security.

Addressing the Challenge of Undocumented Workers

One of the most pressing issues facing our nation is the challenge of undocumented workers. While there is no easy solution, Harris and Whitmer have the experience and legislative triumphs that could pave the way for comprehensive immigration reform. Harris has a history of advocating for immigrant rights and has supported policies that provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who contribute to our society. Whitmer's pragmatic approach to governance could help create bipartisan support for a fair and humane immigration system.

Harris and Whitmer understand that our immigration system needs a revamp—one that includes clear pathways to citizenship, improved border security, and a streamlined process for legal immigration. They will prioritize policies that balance compassion with practicality, ensuring that those who are already contributing to our economy and communities can continue to do so legally.

National Security and Homeland Defense

In addition to domestic policy, Harris and Whitmer have the strength to navigate complex international challenges. The tensions surrounding NATO, Ukraine, and the Israel-Hamas conflict demand leaders who can use both diplomacy and a firm hand to stabilize these situations. Harris's successes as Vice President and as a sitting Senator highlight her capability to handle such crises effectively. Her work in strengthening international alliances and advocating for human rights has been commendable.

Governor Whitmer's leadership in Michigan, a state with diverse international ties and significant defense industry presence, also positions her as a strong figure in homeland defense. Together, they can calm tensions, stop conflicts, and strengthen our NATO ties, ensuring a secure future for America and our allies.

Addressing Global Threats

We must confront the elephant in the room: the threats posed by Russia, China, Iran, ISIS, and various movements that seek to weaken our nation. A Harris and Whitmer ticket will remap our current trajectory with resolve and strength, coupled with wisdom and the ability to cross the aisle. They will pull from the brightest minds to counteract the forces of evil and refocus the world and our allies on a future beyond war and hate, rejecting the relentless embrace of the military-industrial complex.

Project 2025, proposed by Donald Trump and his allies, poses a significant threat to the stability and progress of our nation. This initiative aims to roll back critical environmental protections, undermine social safety nets, and erode the foundations of our democracy. Harris and Whitmer's approach will ensure that we move forward with policies that protect our environment, support our most vulnerable citizens, and strengthen democratic institutions.

Ronald Reagan once said, "Democracy is worth dying for, because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man." And John F. Kennedy reminded us, "The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth." These words underscore the importance of integrity, protecting our freedoms, and negotiating with the world, not just our allies. Harris and Whitmer embody these ideals and are ready to lead with strength and diplomacy.

Health, Education, and Welfare of Our Citizens

A key element of their leadership will be a renewed focus on the health, education, and welfare of our citizens. The influence of Big Pharma needs to be curtailed, and the basics of healthcare must be accessible to all. We need to restructure our approach to welfare, ensuring it supports those truly in need while encouraging self-sufficiency and productivity. No free rides, no endless welfare unless one is physically or remotely unable to work. We need robust training and placement programs for those lacking education to re-enter the workforce.

This commitment to restructuring welfare and public programs must be a focal point. As JFK emphasized, "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." We need to support those who are willing to work and contribute, ensuring that public assistance is a bridge to better opportunities, not a permanent solution.

Revamping the IRS and Tax System

An essential part of this restructuring involves revamping the IRS and our tax system. The current tax code is complex and often unfair. We need to implement a tax system that reduces the burden on those earning less than $250,000 while balancing the scales with a fair increase on those earning more than $500,000. This would help to ensure that the wealthiest contribute their fair share, providing necessary funding for public services and infrastructure.

Corporate tax reform is also crucial. The current system allows many large corporations to pay minimal taxes, often exploiting loopholes to avoid their fair share. According to a recent study, 91 Fortune 500 companies paid $0 in federal income taxes on U.S. income in 2018. This is unacceptable. By closing these loopholes and ensuring that corporations contribute appropriately, we can create a more equitable system that supports economic growth and fairness.

Limiting Time in Office and Transparency

Another crucial reform is the limitation of time any member can stay in office. Whether in the Senate or House, a two-term limit for senators and a three-term limit for House members will ensure a constant influx of new ideas and perspectives. It's time for new blood and new ideas.

Furthermore, every Congress member and Senate member must publicly display who they are receiving money from—just like a NASCAR driver’s jacket. This transparency is non-negotiable and a win for the American people. We have seen too much greed and graft to let this go any longer.

Holding Big Oil, Pharma, and Tobacco Accountable

We must also hit hard on Big Oil, Pharma, and Tobacco. These industries have wielded too much power for too long, often at the expense of public health and environmental sustainability. We need stricter regulations and accountability measures to ensure they operate in the best interests of the American people.

Aristotle once said, "The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." We must uphold this principle by holding these powerful industries accountable.

Addressing the Power of Social Networks

Social networks have amassed unprecedented power, influencing public opinion and even political outcomes. It is imperative that we implement regulations to ensure these platforms are transparent and accountable. They must not be allowed to operate unchecked, spreading misinformation and fostering division.

Supreme Court Ethics Clause

Finally, it’s time for an ethics clause for the Supreme Court. Justices must sign and uphold a strict code of ethics to balance out our halls of governance. This will help restore public trust in our highest judicial body and ensure it operates with the utmost integrity.

First and Second Amendment Rights

Our democracy is built on the pillars of the First and Second Amendments, which guarantee our fundamental freedoms. The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This underscores the need to be an open and free-speech nation; however, hate speech and threats of physical harm must not be tolerated. It's crucial that both parties work together to uphold the sanctity of free speech while ensuring that it is not used to incite violence or hatred.

Plato once said, "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." We must ensure our discourse is wise and constructive.

The Second Amendment reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." While we need to preserve this right, we must also address the rampant gun violence in our country. In the past decade alone, the United States has experienced a staggering number of mass-casualty events compared to other developed nations. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there were over 600 mass shootings in 2021 alone. This is a challenge that requires bipartisan action—not influenced by gun manufacturers—to find common-sense solutions that protect our citizens while respecting constitutional rights.

Hunter S. Thompson, reflecting on the campaign trail, noted, "In a democracy, people usually get the kind of government they deserve." It is up to us to demand a government that prioritizes safety and responsibility.

Stewarding Our Planet

The future of our planet is at stake, and it is crucial that we act now to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change. As Jeremy Jones of Protect Our Winters (POW) 501c3 says, "We all need to do our part to steward our planet for future generations. It's not about the barrel price; it is about the future of our planet."

The Paris Accord outlines the challenges we will face in the next ten years if we do not reverse our course, including increased global temperatures, more frequent and severe weather events, and significant impacts on biodiversity. Harris and Whitmer have demonstrated a commitment to environmental protection throughout their careers. Harris has supported numerous environmental bills, including the Climate Equity Act, which aims to address environmental justice issues. Whitmer has prioritized clean water initiatives and renewable energy projects in Michigan.

Whether you believe in cyclical climate change or human-induced climate change, the fact remains that we need reform. Harris and Whitmer have a plan forward that includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and protecting natural resources.

Abraham Lincoln wisely stated, "The best way to predict your future is to create it." Harris and Whitmer are poised to create a sustainable future through decisive action and environmental stewardship.

Addressing Inflation

Inflation is another pressing issue that impacts all Americans. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global supply chains, leading to shortages and price increases. This inflationary trend started during the Trump administration and has continued under the Biden administration. However, it is important to recognize that multi-billion dollar companies are currently raking in record profits, while blaming inflation on President Biden. This is not "Bidenflation"; it is corporate greed.

Harris and Whitmer can help reverse this trend and reel back inflation. Their policies will focus on regulating corporate practices, ensuring fair competition, and protecting consumers. The Biden administration has already made strides in this area, with initiatives to address supply chain disruptions and support small businesses. Harris and Whitmer will continue these efforts, working to stabilize prices and ensure that the benefits of economic recovery are shared by all.

Bob Marley once said, "Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights." This call to action is as relevant now as ever, urging us to demand economic justice and fairness.

The Path Forward

Gavin Newsom recently stated, "The future is not just something that happens to us; it's something we create." By stepping aside, President Biden can create a future where democracy thrives under the capable leadership of Harris and Whitmer. Their combined experience, legislative successes, and unwavering commitment to justice and equality position them as the best candidates to protect our democratic values in the 2024 election.

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." This call to courage is vital as we navigate these challenging times. Barack Obama reminded us, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." This message underscores the need for proactive leadership and a collective commitment to progress.

George Washington emphasized the importance of integrity in leadership, stating, "Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience." Al Gore has consistently championed the need for patience and perseverance in policy-making, highlighting that "The political system is broken, but it's not beyond repair. The key to repairing it is to understand that the system has a built-in tendency to reward those who play by the rules."

The Dalai Lama once said, "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." This wisdom speaks to the ethos of Harris and Whitmer, whose policies aim to uplift and support all Americans.

These quotes remind us of the importance of ethos and integrity, the need to hold our government accountable, and the paramount importance of working for the greater good of our nation. Harris and Whitmer are well-equipped to lead us with these principles in mind.

In these critical times, we must remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Harris and Whitmer dream of an America where democracy is robust, rights are respected, and every voice is heard. Let's rally behind them and ensure that dream becomes a reality.

Stay'nThirsty for Democracy - Coop

My Sources

  • CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: CDC

  • American Rescue Plan:

  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act:

  • COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act:

  • Governor Whitmer's Initiatives:

  • Veteran Statistics:

  • Project 2025 Analysis: Washington Post

  • Gun Violence Statistics: Gun Violence Archive

  • Ronald Reagan Democracy Quote: Reagan Library

  • John F. Kennedy Education Quote: JFK Library

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Fear Quote: National Archives

  • Barack Obama Change Quote: Obama Foundation

  • George Washington Integrity Quote: Mount Vernon

  • Al Gore Political System Quote: Nobel Prize Speech

  • Kamala Harris on Immigration:

  • Jeremy Jones and Protect Our Winters: Protect Our Winters

  • Paris Accord Challenges: UNFCCC


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